MOAB is the nation’s premier in-depth training program that teaches individuals how to recognize, reduce, and manage violent and aggressive behavior. This program originated in 1983 and is successfully utilized by law enforcement agencies, contract security companies, businesses, and institutions. It has been critically acclaimed by thousands, and credited with being responsible for helping participants avoid crisis on numerous occasions.
IFCPP offers the MOAB half-day program in De-Escalation, which teaches the principles, techniques, and skills used to prevent and deal with aggressive behavior. Program participants will learn to recognize potential problems and deal with them in a safe, non-threatening, professional manner. The program includes all published material and copyrighted handouts.
Cost: $75 inclusive (course work, exam, certification) Instructors: Stevan P. Layne, CPP, CIPM, CIPI
1305 Krameria, Unit H-129, Denver, CO 80220 Local: 303.322.9667 Copyright © 1999 International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection. All Rights Reserved
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