IFCPP Speakers & Faculty
IFCPP brings you a host of leading, internationally-recognized cultural property protection experts, offering a variety of timely training topics! Nick Artim PE, CIPT, CIPI
Robert Bowman, JD, CIPM II, CIPI
He has worked on a number of organized crime task forces and held special commissions with the FBI, US Marshal, Ohio Organized Crime Commission, and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Bob is a past president of the Chiefs of Police Association and Regional Chairman for ASIS. Bob has also been a licensed attorney since 1988 and serves on the IFCPP Board as the IFCPP Legal Advisor. | IN THIS SECTION TRAINING & EVENTS
Geoffrey V. Goodrich, CIPM II, CIPI
Stevan P. Layne, CPP, CIPM II, CIPI
Steve is currently involved in the scripting, directing, and production of the Security Officer Training Guide, an action video series of training programs emphasizing protection of cultural institutions. He has previously produced media productions for business, government, and industry as well as numerous articles for national publications. He has provided protection planning, risk assessment, system design and training for over 350 cultural and public institutions across the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Steve is a leading presenter and keynote speaker at over 50 national conferences and business symposiums annually. He is the guiding force behind CIPM, CIPS, CIPT, and CIPI certification programs. He has served as an instructor for the National Crime Prevention Institute, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, National Park Service, ASIS, ALA, and AAM national and regional conferences. Steve is a graduate of the FBI's Police Management Program, the U.S. Army's Infantry Officer Candidate School, and Career Officer Military Police School. Mr. Layne is now retired and resides in Nokomis, Florida. William J. Powers III, CIPM II, CIPI
He holds a 5th degree black belt in the martial arts, holds a Master Level Teaching Certificate in martial arts, and is an active member of several national associations, including the American Society for Industrial Security; the American Association of Museums, the National Fire Protection Association, the New England Museum Association, the Association for Facilities Engineering, the Museum Association Security Committee, and the International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection. He was recently appointed as Vice President of the ASIS Museum, Library and Cultural Property Council. Bill was one of the first IFCPP members to host a Regional CIPS Certification Workshop, and continues to contribute valuable assistance to the Foundation. He currently serves as the IFCPP Sergeant At Arms, self-defense & use of force expert, and regular instructor. Mark C. Peterson, CIPT, CIPI
He currently serves as chairman of SIA’s Security Application Standards subcommittee, Senior Design Director for LCI, IFCPP Technology Advisor, and member of The Protection Alliance. James Sellevaag, PSP, CIPM II, CIPI
Steve Woolley, CIPM
He currently serves on several professional boards, including: The International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection Advisory Board; Past Youth Advisor Council Member for his church; Past District Commissioner Venture, and Varsity Age (Douglas County) Council Boy Scouts of America (Volunteer Position). In 2007, Steve was appointed as the Chairman of Safe2Tell, a ground-breaking youth violence prevention initiative started in Colorado. Steve is a “grass roots” leader with unique executive experience. Mr. Woolley has participated in IFCPP since its inception as a valued leader, presenter, and advisor. |