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Training & Events Calendar

IFCPP strives to offer timely training in a variety of locations throughout the U.S. and abroad. We are also now offering online webinars.

Please visit our events calendar for a scheduled opportunity near you. Or contact us if you’d like to host a certification course, seminar, or workshop at your institution.

Upcoming Events

    • April 15, 2020
    • December 31, 2025

    IFCPP Webinar - Securing Your Institution During Current Closures

    Security, Safety, Fire Protection and Emergency Management - Where it Matters! This program highlights the necessary steps for protection museums and other cultural properties when special conditions exist, such as long-term closures.  It details those security measures that should be considered at all times, but especially in absence of normal working conditions.

    Presented by IFCPP Founder and President, Stevan P. Layne, CPP, CIPM, CIPI

    • April 22, 2020
    • December 31, 2025

    Conducting Cultural Facility/Site Patrols & Inspections During Current Closures (with or without designated security personnel)

    There are a variety of ways to conduct patrols and site inspections for cultural institutions during times of extended closures. IFCPP’s upcoming webinar will delve into more detail on this critical component of institutional protection with best-practices recommendations and strategies. Regardless of available resources, the personal safety of responsible staff is paramount. This session will discuss some of the things that may place staff or facilities in jeopardy, or reduce the effectiveness of a patrol or site inspection.  IFCPP’s subject matter expert will demonstrate critical elements of patrolling cultural institutions of various types (regardless of who performs the patrol), taking into consideration those properties with no uniformed security and no regular staff presence during or after normal business hours.  We'll also discuss the benefits of video surveillance, emergency communications, intrusion detection, and fire alarms for enhancing situational awareness and staff safety.

    Presented by IFCPP Founder and President, Stevan P. Layne, CPP, CIPM, CIPI

    • April 26, 2020
    • 9:00 AM
    • December 31, 2025
    • 11:30 PM

    Security's Role in Protecting Collections

    In this webinar, our experts will discuss information pertaining to the collaborative protection of museum collections in institutions of various size and scope. This program emphasizes critical cooperation between departments to achieve the common goal of protecting collections of all types.

    Collections protection requires a team approach, with a variety of different skill-sets working together in harmony. Security and facilities professionals, or those staff members responsible for the protection of the institution, play a vital role. 

    The purpose of this course is to prepare Security Managers to gain a more clear understanding of collections concerns, and for Collections Managers to help enhance collaboration between departments.

    Developed and Presented by: Peggy Schaller, CIPM II and Tyler Freeman, CVRS

    Webinar Length: 55 minutes

    • April 29, 2020
    • 9:00 AM
    • December 31, 2025

    Proprietary and Contract Security Management During Closures

    In this webinar we will discuss recent impacts on our security operations caused by the extended closures and some lessons learned from the ever changing environment.  As a Security professional it is imperative that we adjust to the requirements while still upholding our teams to the same level of protection that it is expected of us.  Although the world health crisis has completely changed how we have had to operate, managing the personnel responsible for the protection and safety of our institutions is crucial to our success.  We will emphasize on critical needs for staying proactive during the extended closures and how we can better prepare for future situations which may impact our institutions in the near future.

    Developed and Presented by: Armando Leon, CIPS, CIPM

    Webinar Length: 60 minutes

    • May 01, 2020
    • 9:00 AM
    • December 31, 2025

    The Security Risk Analysis Process

    Participants of this one-hour webinar will learn a holistic process to the following:

    • Evaluate the effectiveness of a Physical Security System

    • Identify and prioritize critical assets for protection
    • Identify threats and hazards that could negatively impact critical assets
    • Prioritize protection efforts by assessing the level of undesirable consequence and probability of occurrence of a loss event
    • The objectives of a security program and elements and functions of a physical protection system
    • Facility components related to the security risk analysis
    • How to determine the criticality of an asset
    • Elements of a threat statement and how it fits into the security risk analysis
    • Various security countermeasures

      Developed and Presented by: Jim McGuffey, M.A. CPP, PSP, PCI

      Webinar Length: 60 minutes

      • May 05, 2020
      • 9:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

      Hostile Surveillance Detection for Critical Infrastructures and Soft Targets and Preventive Techniques to Mitigate Risk

      We know that ISIS has been operating in all 50 U.S. States and many other countries. We also know that terrorist organizations have a planning cycle which includes conducting hostile surveillance for weeks, months and even years prior to an attack. This seminar will inform participants on the terrorist planning cycle, what hostile surveillants look for, how hostile surveillance is conducted and what preventive security counter measures can be taken to identify hostile surveillance and prevent attacks.

      Participants of this one-hour webinar will learn:

      • Terrorist Trends
      •  Surveillance Detection as a security strategy
      • Activities indicative of hostile surveillance
      • Terrorist planning cycle
      • Techniques/Ruses used by hostile surveillants
      • Hostile surveillants requirements
      • Best times in the terrorist planning cycle to identify and report surveillance
      • Brief review of a comprehensive process to protect your facility
      • Who should be trained in hostile surveillance

        Developed and Presented by: Jim McGuffey, M.A. CPP, PSP, PCI

           Webinar Length: 40 minutes

      • June 02, 2020
      • 10:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

      Security & Safety Considerations for Restaffing & Reopening Our Cultural Institutions – Series Supplement: Facilities Restaffing Policies

      The second supplement to IFCPP’s free multi-part series will be presented by William J. Powers II, CIPM II, CIPI, CPP, Director of Facilities at the Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA; and IFCPP Sergeant at ArmsAdvisory Board Member, and regular instructor. This supplement will include information gathered from extensive discussions and detailed planning.

      Available: Immediately upon registration completion

      Featuring a multitude of facilities policy planning and development considerations, including:
      Employee Attestation, and initial requirements for return to the workplace
      Social Distancing of staff
      Travel policies
      Personal Protection Equipment protocols
      Facility Cleaning and Disinfecting, including employee responsibilities
      Food in the Workplace
      Human Resources and exceptions to established policies
      Emergency Plans for response to employee symptoms and exposure
      Staff Capacity protocols
      Public Space considerations
      Facility Signage
      Policy Enforcement

      Registration will include access to the recorded presentation for ongoing reference. This recently recorded webcast will be available for you to watch from the link sent in your confirmation email.

      Please forward this offering to your colleagues that might benefit from this timely and critically-important information.

      • July 02, 2020
      • 10:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

          The Vulnerability Analysis Methodology

      • We know that ISIS has been operating in all 50 U.S. States and many other countries. We also know that terrorist organizations have a planning cycle which includes conducting hostile surveillance for weeks, months and even years prior to an attack. This seminar will inform participants on the terrorist planning cycle, what hostile surveillants look for, how hostile surveillance is conducted and what preventive security counter measures can be taken to identify hostile surveillance and prevent attacks.

        “In recent congressional testimony, senior FBI officials said they were conducting about 850 domestic terrorism investigations — a decrease from a year earlier, when there were roughly 1,000. The category covers more than just racist violence, but officials say such motivations are a large part of their domestic terrorism caseload.” - The Washington Post

      • Available: Immediately upon registration completion

        Participants of this one-hour webinar will learn holistic process to:

      • Evaluate the effectiveness of a Physical Security System
      • The objectives of a security program and elements and functions of a physical protection system
      • Facility components related to the security risk analysis
      • How to determine the criticality of an asset
      • How to prioritize critical assets for protection
      • How to evaluate threats and hazards that can harm critical assets
      • How to evaluate consequences and the likelihood/probability that a consequence will occur
      • Discuss various security countermeasures to mitigate identified risk
      • Importance of a maintenance and resilience plan
      • Importance of on-going assessments and audits

      Presented by Jim McGuffey, M.A., CPP, PSP, PCI

      Registration will include access to the recorded presentation for ongoing reference. This recently recorded webcast will be available for you to watch from the link sent in your confirmation email.

      • July 07, 2020
      • 10:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

      Targeted Violence, Mass Demonstrations, Cultural Property Protection: Are You Prepared? **

      IFCPP is proud to partner with three prominent law enforcement and security trainers/consultants that offer extensive expertise and experience in dealing with civil unrest, counter-terrorism, crisis mitigation, threat assessment, large-scale violence de-escalation, agency collaboration, emergency response, and related leadership. Don’t miss this 3-part series as you prepare for the next wave of threats:

      Part 1: “When Targeted Violence Knocks on Your Door”, Presented by Pat Welsh, JD

      • This presentation is a briefing-style presentation covering:

      • Strategies/action steps that you and your organization can take before a critical incident occurs (Targeted Violence or Mass Demonstration).
      • What to expect, and what you can do during an incident to prepare for Law Enforcement response and protocols.
      • What to expect post-incident, particularly with your staff, supporters/donors and visitors.

      Part 2: "The 30 Second Behavioral Encounter:  How to Assess Visitors Who May Have Nefarious Intentions", Presented by Brig Barker

      This 30-minute program provides training on how to behaviorally assess visitors to institutions, museums, and other facilities given only a limited timeframe. The focus will be on seeking to identify those with suspicious intentions, discreetly and professionally.  This technique enables a short-burn assessment with a lens on potential criminals, terrorists, or hate-group affiliates.

      Part 3: "Securing the 2020 United States Civil Protest - The Practice of De-escalation During Civil Unrest", Presented by Stephen Komorek

      This session is a 30-minute debrief (from an operational standpoint) on the recent and current protests happening around the U.S. The presenter provides a look into the practice of de-escalation, while protecting individuals, and securing locations during the 2020 protests. Participants get an inside look into best practices used during these events. This debrief will give senior leaders, and on the ground teams, working knowledge during protests. The lessons learned will allow protestors the freedom to exercise their voice while Executive Protection teams safeguard VIPs, News Teams and locations, while focusing on de-escalation. The presentation is an account from the standpoint of a Director of Operations, running simultaneous Ops during events taking place across the country. 

      • October 28, 2020
      • 9:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

      Protester Rights, Tactics & Countermeasures

      From January 2017 to January 2020, approximately 11.5 million people participated in 16,000 protests across the United States.  From May 26, 2020 to August 22, 2020, an estimated 15 to 25 million people participated in nearly 8,000 protests across the United States and this trend will likely continue.  This session will provide front-line security personnel with an understanding of what protests are, current protest trends, the rights of protesters and property owners, common protest tactics and tools, common law enforcement response to protests, and considerations for security personnel when responding to protests on or near their property.

      Recorded during IFCPP’s 21st Annual Conference and originally aired on October 9

      Available: Immediately upon registration completion

      Presented by: Dave Beeman, CPP, CIPM II, Vice President of Quality & Support, Andy Frain Services, Inc.

      Mr. Beeman has 30 years of corporate and contract security experience including providing services for commercial, cultural, educational and government facilities, foreign heads of state, and large public gatherings; including those designated as National Special Security Events by the President or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security  (“DHS”). Utilizing SAFETY Act Certified principles, Mr. Beeman develops and implements security plans that meet the requirements of commercial facilities, courthouses, schools, special events, and transportation facilities. He is the recipient of an Award of Excellence from the Illinois Security Chiefs Association (2008) and a Mentorship Award from the Illinois Security Professionals Association (2017). He is an adjunct faculty member at the Homeland Security Training Institute at the College of DuPage, a member of the ASIS Security Services Community.

      Registration will include access to the recorded presentation for ongoing reference. This recently recorded webcast will be available for you to watch from the link sent in your confirmation email.

      • November 13, 2020
      • 9:00 AM
      • December 31, 2025

      Social Media and the Emerging Threat Landscape

      As we continue to think about different ways to protect our cultural institutions, we need to stay ahead of the curve and gather as much information as possible, as early as possible. This session will include topics regarding how to identify potential threats to your institution, and improve your overall security platform, by monitoring social media. Presenters will provide case studies on the benefits gained from monitoring what is openly available to us all. Session leaders will provide data that demonstrates how the monitoring and using social media websites can increase the overall security awareness of your institution. 
      Don't miss this very timely and critically important presentation, recorded during IFCPP’s 21st Annual Conference, and originally aired on October 9

      When: Immediately upon registration completions
      Free to IFCPP Members

      Presented by: Armando Leon, CIPM II, and Michael-John Waite, CIPM II from The Museum of the Bible

      Registration will include access to the recorded presentation for ongoing reference. This recently recorded webcast will be available for you to watch from the link sent in your confirmation email.

      • August 06, 2024
      • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
      • Zoom

      In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is paramount for organizations of all sizes and industries. Workplace violence remains a critical concern, with incidents ranging from verbal abuse to physical assault posing significant risks to employees and businesses alike. Establishing a robust workplace violence prevention and intervention program is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

      This session will delve into real-world case studies that highlight the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address workplace violence. Through detailed analysis and firsthand accounts, attendees will gain valuable insights into the challenges organizations face and the effective solutions they've implemented.

      Our expert speaker will share his experiences in navigating the complexities of workplace violence prevention, offering practical advice and proven methodologies. From identifying early warning signs to implementing proactive measures and swift intervention protocols, these case studies will showcase the pivotal role of leadership commitment, employee engagement, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

      Key topics covered will include:

      1. Recognizing the Warning Signs: Understanding the behavioral cues and red flags that precede acts of workplace violence.
      2. Crafting a Comprehensive Prevention Plan: Developing tailored strategies and policies to mitigate risks and create a safe work environment.
      3. Engaging Employees: Fostering a culture of awareness, communication, and mutual support to empower staff in preventing violence.
      4. Implementing Effective Intervention Protocols: Establishing clear procedures for responding to incidents and providing timely support to affected individuals.
      5. Evaluating Program Effectiveness: Utilizing metrics and feedback mechanisms to assess the impact of prevention and intervention efforts and refine strategies.

      Through interactive discussions and Q&A sessions, participants will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the case studies, share their own experiences, and glean practical insights from industry peers and experts.

      Join us for an enlightening exploration of the vital components of a robust workplace violence prevention and intervention program, and learn how your organization can - and must - proactively safeguard its most valuable asset – its people.

      Live Q&A between the presenter and participants is included!

      About the presenter: 

      Eric Drewry is the Director of Protection and Group Services at the Detroit Institute of Arts. With nearly 20 years’ experience in safety, security, and asset protection at some of the nation’s top cultural institutions, Eric specializes in finding innovative ways to solve complex challenges. From protecting billions of dollars in art in a museum touted by The Wall Street Journal as “the world’s most visitor-friendly”, to securing relics returned from the Lewis & Clark expedition at one of the nation’s most iconic Presidential homes, Eric recognizes that the visitor experience must always be factored into – and not hindered by – the protective mission.

      As a Certified Institutional Protection Manager through the International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection, Eric provides a unique approach to high-value asset protection using technology as a force multiplier for guard forces and institutions. Eric is also a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) through the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS).

      Eric holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Grand Valley State University.

      • August 08, 2024
      • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
      • Zoom

      Thinking about the data generated by security operations and technology in ways that diverge from established ways will benefit institutions beyond the security department. Building business cases that include visitor engagement, curatorial, conservation, programming, administration, and others not only enhances the value proposition of security technology investment, but also provides actionable data for broader decision making within institutions.

      This presentation will focus on real world examples of leveraging security technologies across departments within cultural property institutions. Using experiences from new construction to existing / renovated facilities with different financial models, from wholly endowed / funded to those that rely on grants and philanthropic funding, this presentation will explore ways to approach the continuous evolution of security programs and processes with a holistic view to the health of an institution.

      The primary goal is to encourage audience participants to learn from and to share similar initiatives they are aware of and encourage more creative and innovative thinking around security tools that are available today that may not have been previously. Exploring the impact of AI and analytics will be central to this discussion.

      Live Q&A between the presenter and participants is included!

      About the presenter: Anders Noyes started his career as a municipal police officer. After leaving law enforcement he worked in various organizations planning and developing physical security systems and programs including Sony Corporation, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Lucasfilm, Skywalker Properties, and is now heading up the security and safety programs at the Honolulu Museum of Art. He has been primarily responsible for the start-up or reimagining of eight (8) comprehensive physical security programs, three (3) of which have been cultural property institutions.

    Past Events

    June 14, 2024 IFCPP 2024 Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    February 03, 2024 Fantastic Hosts Private Soiree at Prismajic
    November 29, 2023 CIPI Instructor Certification Course - All New Virtual Edition
    May 22, 2023 IFCPP 2023 Virtual Conference & Exhibits
    May 06, 2023 IFCPP Pre-Conference Networking Meals
    May 06, 2023 IFCPP 2023 Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    September 07, 2022 IFCPP 2022 Virtual Conference & Exhibits
    October 13, 2021 IFCPP 2021 Virtual Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    August 05, 2021 Situational Awareness presented by Trident Manor Limited and the International Arts & Antiquities Security Forum (2nd Offering)
    May 13, 2021 Introduction to the Protection of Cultural Property (Third Offering)
    April 22, 2021 Situational Awareness presented by Trident Manor Limited and the International Arts & Antiquities Security Forum
    January 13, 2021 Emerging Professionals & IFCPP Mentorship
    December 09, 2020 Webinar #15 - Preparing Employees for Post COVID-19 Reopening
    December 02, 2020 Introduction to the Protection of Cultural Property (Second Offering)
    November 19, 2020 Webinar #14 - New Considerations for Effective Security Screening
    October 08, 2020 IFCPP 2020 Virtual Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    October 01, 2020 Introduction to the Protection of Cultural Property
    September 09, 2020 IFCPP Virtual Meetup
    August 13, 2020 Virtual Conference Planning Focus Group
    August 05, 2020 IFCPP Virtual Meetup
    June 23, 2020 POSTPONED Webinar #10 - Leadership & Self-Deception
    June 04, 2020 Security & Safety Considerations for Restaffing & Reopening Our Cultural Institutions – Part 4: Collections Protections, Conservation, & Maintenance Considerations
    May 27, 2020 Security & Safety Considerations for Restaffing & Reopening Our Cultural Institutions - Part 3: Preparing to Reopen to Visitors
    May 21, 2020 Security & Safety Considerations for Restaffing & Reopening Our Cultural Institutions - Part 2: Bringing Staff Back to the Workplace
    May 19, 2020 Webinar #8 - Brushing Up on Incident Command Protocols Prior to Reopening (recording)
    May 15, 2020 Security & Safety Considerations for Restaffing & Reopening Our Cultural Institutions - Part 1: Preparing to Re-Engage
    May 11, 2020 Webinar #7 - Preparing for ‘Return to the Workplace’ from Allied Universal (recording)
    May 05, 2020 Hostile Surveillance Detection
    April 30, 2020 The Security Risk Analysis Process
    April 28, 2020 Proprietary and Contract Security Management During Closures
    April 23, 2020 Security's Role in Protecting Collections
    April 21, 2020 Conducting Site and Facility Patrols & Inspections During Closures
    October 19, 2019 IFCPP 2019 Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    October 04, 2019 Improving Security and Protecting Visitors, Staff, & Collections W/Reduced Staff & Budgets at AMM
    May 30, 2019 Being Prepared for Anything: Safety & Security in the Library
    May 23, 2019 IFCPP New England Chapter Meeting - May 2019
    April 23, 2019 CIPI Instructor Certification Course - New England
    April 22, 2019 Certified Institutional Protection Manager Class - New England
    April 11, 2019 Current Trends in Cultural Property Protection, a 20,000 Foot Overview and A Local View of Trends in Cultural Property Protection
    April 09, 2019 CIPI Instructor Certification Course - Chicago
    November 29, 2018 IFCPP New England Chapter Meeting - November
    October 25, 2018 IFCPP New England Chapter Meeting - October
    October 13, 2018 IFCPP 2018 Conference, Seminar & Exhibits
    October 10, 2018 Safeguarding Cultural Heritage from Theft & Other Risks
    June 08, 2018 Library Protection Workshop - New England
    March 01, 2018 CIPI Instructor Certification Course - Philadelphia
    February 27, 2018 CISS Regional Security Supervisor Certification Class - Philadelphia
    September 16, 2017 IFCPP 2017 Conference, Seminar, Exhibits & Certification Program
    July 12, 2017 Protection Planning 101
    February 06, 2017 CISS Regional Security Supervisor Certification Class - Southwestern U.S.
    August 28, 2016 IFCPP Leadership Symposium
    July 28, 2016 You ARE a Soft Target. What can you do about it?
    July 27, 2016 Certified Institutional Protection Manager Class at AMM in Minneapolis
    May 29, 2016 Certified Institutional Protection Manager Class at AAM in D.C.
    May 28, 2016 Priceless Collections Require Specialized Security
    December 18, 2015 MOAB Intro Class - Postponed Until April 2016
    December 17, 2015 CIPS Certification Class - Postponed Until April 2016
    October 27, 2015 IFCPP Annual Symposium
    October 24, 2015 Disaster Preparedness for Cultural Institutions
    September 18, 2015 CIPI Instructor Certification Course
    September 18, 2015 CIPS Regional Security Officer Certification Classes
    September 17, 2015 CIPS Regional Security Officer Certification Classes
    July 18, 2015 CIPM Regional Security Management Certification Class
    April 29, 2015 CIPM Regional Security Management Certification Class
    April 29, 2015 Management of Aggressive Behavior (MOAB) Introductory Class
    March 28, 2015 CIPM II Regional Security Management Certification Class
    March 28, 2015 CIPM Regional Security Management Certification Class

    1305 Krameria, Unit H-129, Denver, CO  80220  Local: 303.322.9667
    Copyright © 2015 - 2018 International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection.  All Rights Reserved