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CISA Releases Cybersecurity Strategic Plan for FY2024-2026

September 04, 2023 3:11 PM | Anonymous

Reposted from CISA

Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released the FY2024-2026 Cybersecurity Strategic Plan, which guides CISA’s efforts through 2026 and outlines a new vision for cybersecurity, a vision grounded in collaboration, in innovation, and in accountability.  

Aligned with the National Cybersecurity Strategy and nested under CISA’s 2023–2025 Strategic Plan, the Cybersecurity Strategic Plan provides a blueprint for how the agency will pursue a future in which damaging cyber intrusions are a shocking anomaly, organizations are secure and resilient, and technology products are safe and secure by design. To this end, the Strategic Plan outlines three enduring goals: 

  • Address Immediate Threats. We will make it increasingly difficult for our adversaries to achieve their goals by targeting American and allied networks. We will work with partners to gain visibility into the breadth of intrusions targeting our country, enable the disruption of threat actor campaigns, ensure that adversaries are rapidly evicted when intrusions occur, and accelerate mitigation of exploitable conditions that adversaries recurringly exploit. 
  • Harden the Terrain. We will catalyze, support, and measure adoption of strong practices for security and resilience that measurably reduce the likelihood of damaging intrusions. We will provide actionable and usable guidance and direction that helps organization prioritize the most effective security investments first and leverage scalable assessments to evaluate progress by organizations, sectors, and the nation.  
  • Drive Security at Scale. We will drive prioritization of cybersecurity as a fundamental safety issue and ask more of technology providers to build security into products throughout their lifecycle, ship products with secure defaults, and foster radical transparency into their security practices so that customers clearly understand the risks they are accepting by using each product. Even as we confront the challenge of unsafe technology products, we must ensure that the future is more secure than the present – including by looking ahead to reduce the risks posed by artificial intelligence and the advance of quantum-relevant computing. Recognizing that a secure future is dependent first on our people, we will do our part to build a national cybersecurity workforce that can address the threats of tomorrow and reflects the diversity of our country. 

Learn more about CISA’s Cybersecurity Strategic Plan at 


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