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Planning Now Can Save Lives Later

March 12, 2024 10:52 AM | Anonymous

Reposted from Walden Security

You can’t train your team during an emergency. Proactively train employees on your emergency action plan so they respond appropriately when every second is crucial.

EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN- The first step in maintaining workplace safety is an emergency action plan, which gives employees a step-by-step guide when facing a crisis. This master plan should be easily accessible to all employees and must be read during onboarding. An emergency action plan should be comprehensive and easy to understand. Your company should also conduct ongoing training to ensure all employees are up-to-date on proper safety protocols. Each emergency action plan will look different depending on what industry you are part of. However, there are a few situations for which every business should provide resources and training.

ACTIVE SHOOTER- The importance of active shooter training cannot be overstated. Over-communicate your company’s active shooter plan, so everyone knows how to handle this stressful situation. The Run, Hide, Fight method is the most effective active shooter response. Run: The safest thing you can do is flee the scene. If able, leave behind personal belongings and follow your company’s evacuation route. Create as much room between you and the shooter as possible. Hide: If you can’t evacuate, find a safe hiding place. Close doors, turn off lights, silence your phone and be quiet until you are certain the threat is over. Fight: If you have no other option, confront the shooter. Throw objects, use improvised weapons, be aggressive, and do whatever you must to survive. NATURAL DISASTERS- Natural disasters come in many forms, such as tornadoes, fires, floods, and hurricanes. Even though they all require a unique response, you can take a few practical steps to prepare for these events. Disaster Training: Your employees need to know how to handle each type of natural disaster before it occurs. For example, employees should know where exit points are, where to go during a flood, where tornado shelters are, locations of fire extinguishers, etc. Include proper responses to emergencies specific to your location. Communication Plan: Have multiple channels available to communicate with employees. Text messaging, email and social media are good places to start. It’s wise to have one person in charge of sending updates so the latest information stays consistent. Evacuation: Ensure evacuation routes are clearly marked. Designate an area to assemble. Appoint one person, such as a manager or director, in each department to begin a head count. Identify names and last known locations of anyone missing.

HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Any business can come into contact with hazardous materials. Therefore, it is important to include how to respond to a hazardous material spill in an emergency action plan. These are the recommended steps if you encounter a hazardous material spill: • Contact emergency services. • Flush any skin that came into contact with the dangerous material. • Stop the source of the hazardous material if possible. • Evacuate the area. • Aid emergency personnel by giving crucial information to help with clean-up. Safety is a top priority for any business. Creating an emergency action plan, communicating safety protocols and enforcing regular employee safety training is crucial for all businesses to stay ahead of an emergency.

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