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The Value of Coaching

February 11, 2025 12:08 PM | Anonymous

Reposted from Tim Richardson

It’s obvious to spot natural talent. But what usually isn’t so obvious is the hours of the training or education, the dedication to skill development, the mental toughness to repeatedly push through failure and learn from it, and the insightful advice and challenge of a good coach. Let’s zero in on that one—the importance of a good coach. One of the benefits of having a coach is that they can see blind spots that need improvement. They recognize talent and help to develop that talent with instruction and encouragement. I had a lot of coaching starting early in life. The most significant coaching I received as a young teen was from my mother when I competed in a speech contest. She helped me develop my presentation skills, scheduled practice sessions in front of her friends, and offered ongoing encouragement.

I won the speech competition and found my calling.

All because of my coach.

That is why coaching is so valuable.

Even if you are established in your career, the benefits of good coaching should still be a consideration for your success and the success of others.

Here three primary coaching possibilities that can help further your career and build your skillset:

  • Join or form a peer-to-peer coaching group—a mastermind gathering. I have participated in at least four formal mastermind groups over my years in professional speaking. In addition, I have regularly hosted “roaming” mastermind groups at Influence – the National Speakers Association annual convention.
  • Hire a coach for one on one or group training or consultation. Find the best in the industry and get them to coach you. Investing in a good coach is a force multiplier and could result in income growth, promotions, and personal success.
  • Be a coach. There are few experiences in life more fulfilling than passing on life experiences, teaching others about your failures and the lessons learned, and supporting and encouraging others in their journey. The instruction and mentoring you provide, could make a profound difference while changing the trajectory for others.

Whether you are on the giving or receiving end, there is much to gain from coaching. Experience growth. Share your journey. Grow your career. Find a coach. Be a coach.

See Original Post


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