Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19
For all the latest CDC updates:
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
For a real time dash board of global cases:
Public Health Planning Guide
The Chicago Department of Public Health and others created a Public Health Planning Guide for Faith Communities. While the focus is on houses of worship here, the guide provides great information that can be applied to other sectors.
Educational Materials and Signage Examples
From New York State Department of Health, you can find their examples of Seasonal Influenza Signage that you can modify to fit your institution's needs around Coronavirus.
ASIS Webinar - Novel Coronavirus: Crisis Management and Pandemic Best Practices for the Security Professional
A panel from the GTPIIC Council reviews the current situation with the Coronavirus. They will provide information on the virus, the global response and an outlook on broader implications. The panel will also discuss what organizations are doing to minimize the threat and what security professionals need to consider. Learn More and Register