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  • June 03, 2024 9:21 AM | Anonymous

    Reposted from AMM


    Top 5 reasons to attend #TheWayForward


    1. This community is for everyone. An emerging museum professional, a curator, and a vice president may sit in the same space at the same table. It's an equal learning (and playing!) field.

    2. It's a chance to connect with museums of all sizes, disciplines, and budgets - and gather around a common goal. Let's work together to define The Way Forward for museums in the Heartland, where our audiences are a mix of red and blue, rural and urban, progressive and conservative, and more.

    3. You'll find inspiration from experts outside of the museum field. This year’s speaker lineup includes industries like visitor studies, publishing (Highlights for Children), leadership education (Just Bloom School), and performance (A Tribe for Jazz.).

    4. This is a great opportunity to experience Ohio! Visit the amazing museums in Columbus through events and tours and explore one of the recently declared Hopewell Earthworks UNESCO World Heritage sites during our Saturday Retreat. We even have an opportunity to attend the Ohio State Fair!

    5. Our program is robust, but the schedule won't stress you out. We've built in plenty of time to mingle and stay connected with things back home. Plus, we provide a quiet space for attendees who need a break from the excitement.

    Don’t forget…

    Registration is open! Advance registration will be available online through July 15 for Virtual + In-Person registrations and through July 19 for Virtual Only registrations. Check out our form instructions and find answers to common registration questions on our FAQ page. Contact AMM for further assistance. NOTE: Sponsors, exhibitors, presenters, and other special guests will receive instructions directly from AMM on how to register and access discounts or comps.

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  • June 03, 2024 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    Reposted from BBC

    A 54-year-old woman has been charged with criminal damage after pink paint was thrown over a statue in St Peter Port. Police said the statue of Queen Victoria in Candie Gardens was defaced with "paint or a similar substance" on 10 or 11 April. A window on a nearby outbuilding was also damaged. The 21ft high (6.4m) statue of the former monarch was unveiled in 1900.

    See Original Post

  • June 03, 2024 8:29 AM | Anonymous

    Reposted from ARTnews

    As afternoon dimmed into evening Friday, the Brooklyn Museum became the stage of one the most fervent Gaza solidarity actions yet to descend on a New York City art institution.  Starting at 4:30 p.m. inside the lobby, a group of cultural workers, artists, and New York City community members brandished banners, beat drums, and blew whistles, calling for the museum to condemn the killing of Palestinians in Gaza, as well as disclose and divest its financial ties to Israel.  Outside the museum, a hundreds-strong march that began in downtown Brooklyn ended at its glass facade. Barred from entering the museum, some protestors plastered posters to the doors; others climbed the steps to its exterior mezzanine and upward its glass ceiling, finally unfurling a banner across the museum’s neoclassical cornice that read “Free Palestine from Genocide”. Police followed the protestors to the roof, while a helicopter circled overhead. In a statement provided to press ahead of the protest by Cultural Front for Free Palestine, the newly formed advocacy coalition decried the lack of public statements from major art institutions on Israel’s seven-month long military campaign in Gaza, which has—as of publication—resulted in the death of more than 30,000 Palestinians, according to the local health ministry. The statement paid particular attention to Israel’s ongoing offensive of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where some one million Palestinian had been seeking refuge. (Most have since fled amid the assault, the New York Times and the UN reported earlier this week.) The statement calls for the museum to publicly recognize the war in Gaza as a genocide, citing evidence put forth by human rights entities such as the International Federation for Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur. The Cultural Front said it is also demanding a full disclosure of investments linked to companies that “profit from the arming of Israel” and a subsequent divestment from corporations linked to Israel, in addition to “all arms and surveillance manufacturers.” “The Museum relies heavily on subsidies from the City of New York, along with the granting of the land it sits on, and so its financial doings should be publicly accountable. That process of accountability should also involve the disclosure of funds from donors and trustees who are heavily implicated in the Occupation,” the statement added. The Brooklyn Museum has previously been targeted by pro-Palestine demonstrations. On December 8, around 20 protestors affiliated with the activist groups Decolonize This Place and Within Our Lifetime staged a guerilla action inside the lobby, echoing the calls of similar demonstrations to “disclose and divest.” The next day, hundreds of protestors gathered at the museum as the starting point of a planned march that swept across the Brooklyn Bridge and ended at City Hall. Both protests called out the museum’s corporate partnership with Bank of New York Melllon, which has investments in Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems and has supported the Friends of Israel Defense Force Donor Advised Fund. (The Bank told FT in April that it invests in Elbit “as a result of requirements by its passive index investment strategies.”) Pro-Palestine protestors have also demonstrated at the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Famous art schools, such as Cooper Union in New York and the Rhode Island School of Design, have experienced occupations and walkouts by students, faculty, and alumni dissatisfied with a presumed apathy to the war in Gaza.  “People are assembling in the spirit of reparation and care for communities conquered and looted by colonialism,” the Cultural Front said. “These include far-flung places and neighborhoods just a stone’s throw from here. Land, wealth, and culture are among the historical plunder, and institutions like the Brooklyn Museum are a direct beneficiary.” On Friday at the Brooklyn Museum, police and museum security staff dispelled protestors inside the museum lobby—no protestors entered the galleries—around 5:20 p.m. By then, the floor was scattered with synthetic red poppy petals, which has been adopted as a symbol of resistance by protestors due to the flower’s indigeneity to Palestine. The protestors, holding banners that read among other slogans, “Silence = Death,” remained peaceful. Several tents had been erected in the lobby by protestors intending to transition into an overnight occupation.  By 6 p.m. protestors had gradually moved away from the museum entrance — and descended from the atrium roof— though a crowd remained outside. 

    See Original Post

  • May 07, 2024 8:56 AM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who attended the Yale Library Security Week 2024 presentations.  We are pleased to share links to the recordings from the available presentations for those who missed a session.

    Security Week Zoom links.

    3/11 Monday

    3/12 Tuesday

    3/13 Wednesday

    3/14 Thursday

    3/15 Friday

  • May 06, 2024 12:48 PM | Anonymous

    Reposted from The Art Loss Register


    In Partnership with



     Are you confused about Due Diligence? 

    Join the free webinar | Monday 20 May | 5pm - 6pm (BST)

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  • May 06, 2024 12:34 PM | Anonymous

    Reposted from The Guardian

    France’s national library has removed four 19th-century books from its shelves whose emerald, green covers are believed to be laced with arsenic. The library said on Thursday that handling the books, which were printed in Britain, would probably cause only minor harm, but it was taking them away for further analysis. “We have put these works in quarantine and an external laboratory will analyze them to evaluate how much arsenic is present in each volume,” it said. The Paris institution identified the offending copies after US researchers discovered publishers in the Victorian era had used the chemical to color book bindings. The arsenic-containing green pigments were called Paris green, emerald green or Scheele’s green after a German-born chemist. Testing hundreds of book covers for heavy metals since 2019, researchers at the University of Delaware have drawn up a list of potentially dangerous volumes as part of the Poison Book Project.

    The French library found its collection of more than 16m titles included four copies of books on the list. They include two volumes of The Ballads of Ireland by Edward Hayes, published in 1855, a bilingual anthology of Romanian poetry by Henry Stanley from 1856, and the 1862-63 book of the Royal Horticultural Society. The National Library of France said it would also examine other green covered books beyond the Poison Book Project list. The World Health Organization warns long-term exposure to inorganic arsenic, mainly through drinking water and food, can lead to skin lesions and skin cancer, but it makes no mention of contact with objects containing it. The Poison Book Project says arsenic-laced green bindings present a health risk to librarians, booksellers, collectors and researchers, and should be handled and stored with caution.

    See Original Post
  • May 06, 2024 12:26 PM | Anonymous

    Reposted from NL Times

    An attempt to blow open an ATM in Franeker overnight severely damaged the facade of the Keats Museum. It is unclear whether the perpetrators managed to steal any money from the ATM, which was attached to the museum on Voorstraat in the Friesland city. The museum will remain closed in the coming days. The ATM bombing happened at around 3:40 a.m. on Friday. It blew the ATM out of the wall and left banknotes littering the street, Omrop Fryslan reported. There was a massive bang, a local told the broadcaster. “The emergency lights of all cars went off. I thought: these are not fireworks.”

    The perpetrators fled the scene on scooters, going toward the Kleijenburg. The police are looking for witnesses. The Ministry of Defense deployed its Explosive Ordinance Disposal department (EOD) to investigate and remove any explosives that were still live. The blast severely damaged the Keats Museum’s facade. It wasn’t immediately clear whether it caused any damage inside - museum workers weren’t allowed in while the authorities worked. Keats Museum chairman Bram Bonnema said he and his team were devastated. “This is senseless destruction,” he told the local broadcaster. “Behind the ATM there is a display with trophies. I am very concerned about what it looks like inside.” The sport of Keatsen, known in Dutch as kaatsen, is a traditional form of handball with ties to the 12th-century French sport jeu de paume. The Franeker organization claims to be the oldest museum in the Netherlands dedicated to sports. The municipality is home to an annual Keatsen tournament held in late July or early August.

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  • May 06, 2024 12:16 PM | Anonymous

    Reposted from CISA/DHS

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released two new resources to mitigate and understand risks posed by AI: 1) Guidelines to mitigate AI risks posed to critical infrastructure and a 2) new report that evaluates the potential for AI to be misused to enable the development or production of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear threats. DHS, in coordination with CISA, developed the new safety and security guidelines to address cross-sector AI risks.

    WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) marked the 180-day mark of President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” by unveiling new resources to address threats posed by AI: (1) guidelines to mitigate AI risks to critical infrastructure and (2) a report on AI misuse in the development and production of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN).

    These resources build upon the Department’s broader efforts to protect the nations’ critical infrastructure and help stakeholders leverage AI, which include the recent establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board. This new Board, 
    announced last week, assembles technology and critical infrastructure executives, civil rights leaders, academics, state and local government leaders, and policymakers to advance responsible development and deployment of AI.

    “AI can present transformative solutions for U.S. critical infrastructure, and it also carries the risk of making those systems vulnerable in new ways to critical failures, physical attacks, and cyber attacks. Our Department is taking steps to identify and mitigate those threats,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “When President Biden tasked DHS as a leader in the safe, secure, and reliable development of AI, our Department accelerated our previous efforts to lead on AI. In the 180 days since the Biden-Harris Administration’s landmark EO on AI, DHS has established a new AI Corps, developed AI pilot programs across the Department, unveiled an AI roadmap detailing DHS’s current use of AI and its plans for the future, and much more. DHS is more committed than ever to advancing the responsible use of AI for homeland security missions and promoting nationwide AI safety and security, building on the unprecedented progress made by this Administration. We will continue embracing AI’s potential while guarding against its harms.”

    DHS, in coordination with its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), released new safety and security guidelines to address cross-sector AI risks impacting the safety and security of U.S. critical infrastructure systems. The guidelines organize its analysis around three overarching categories of system-level risk:

    • Attacks Using AI:  The use of AI to enhance, plan, or scale physical attacks on, or cyber compromises of, critical infrastructure.
    • Attacks Targeting AI Systems: Targeted attacks on AI systems supporting critical infrastructure.
    • Failures in AI Design and Implementation: Deficiencies or inadequacies in the planning, structure, implementation, or execution of an AI tool or system leading to malfunctions or other unintended consequences that affect critical infrastructure operations.

    “CISA was pleased to lead the development of ‘Mitigating AI Risk: Safety and Security Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure Owners and Operators on behalf of DHS,” said CISA Director Jen Easterly. “Based on CISA’s expertise as National Coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, DHS’ Guidelines are the agency’s first-of-its-kind cross-sector analysis of AI-specific risks to critical infrastructure sectors and will serve as a key tool to help owners and operators mitigate AI risk."

    To address these risks, DHS outlines a four-part mitigation strategy, building upon the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework (RMF), that critical infrastructure owners and users can consider when approaching contextual and unique AI risk situations:

    • Govern: Establish an organizational culture of AI risk management - Prioritize and take ownership of safety and security outcomes, embrace radical transparency, and build organizational structures that make security a top business priority.
    • Map: Understand your individual AI use context and risk profile - Establish and understand the foundational context from which AI risks can be evaluated and mitigated.
    • Measure: Develop systems to assess, analyze, and track AI risks - Identify repeatable methods and metrics for measuring and monitoring AI risks and impacts.
    • Manage: Prioritize and act upon AI risks to safety and security - Implement and maintain identified risk management controls to maximize the benefits of AI systems while decreasing the likelihood of harmful safety and security impacts.

    Countering Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats

    The Department worked with its Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (CWMD) to analyze the risk of AI being misused to assist in the development or production of CBRN threats, and analyze and provide recommended steps to mitigate potential threats to the homeland. This report, developed through extensive collaboration across the United States Government, academia, and industry, furthers long-term objectives around how to ensure the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of artificial intelligence, and guides potential interagency follow-on policy and implementation efforts.

    “The responsible use of AI holds great promise for advancing science, solving urgent and future challenges, and improving our national security, but AI also requires that we be prepared to rapidly mitigate the misuse of AI in the development of chemical and biological threats,” said Assistant Secretary for CWMD Mary Ellen Callahan. “This report highlights the emerging nature of AI technologies, their interplay with chemical and biological research and the associated risks, and provides longer-term objectives around how to ensure safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI.  I am incredibly proud of our team at CMWD for this vital work which builds upon the Biden-Harris Administration’s forward-leaning Executive Order.”

    See Original Post

  • May 06, 2024 12:02 PM | Anonymous

    Reposted from CISA/DHS

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in partnership with the Idaho Office of Emergency Management and the Oregon Department of Emergency Management, is holding the first event in the 2024 Public Private Partnership Security and Resilience Seminar Serieswhich will provide valuable information from subject matter experts sharing critical infrastructure best practices, valuable lessons, and preparedness resources.
    On May 9, 2024 (12-pm ET / 9-am PT), this 90-minute virtual seminar - Introduction to Violence Prevention Strategies and Resources - will offer insights into data-informed approaches to targeted violence prevention. This seminar aims to bridge the gap between research, policy formulation, and local-level implementation of violence prevention strategies. Guest speakers for this seminar will include representatives from:

    • DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3)
    • DHS National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Program Office
    • U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)
    • CISA Office of Security Programs
    • Roseville Police Department in California
    This series of webinars is intended for members of the public and private sector, as well as critical infrastructure owners and operators, interested in enhancing their organizational security and resilience.

    See Original Post

  • May 06, 2024 11:50 AM | Anonymous

    Reposted from EMR-ISAC

    CISA’s Emergency Services Sector Management Team (ES SMT) is hosting a 3-part webinar series in May on artificial intelligence (AI):

    • Webinar 1 - Artificial Intelligence and the Emergency Services Sector, Wednesday, May 1, 1-2 p.m. EDT. This webinar will provide an overview of AI and will discuss the development of the Emergency Services Sector (ESS) Artificial Intelligence Working Group (AIWG). ESS subject matter experts will discuss use of AI in emergency services. CISA will roll out its first AI Fact Sheet during this webinar.
    • Webinar 2 - Artificial Intelligence and the Emergency Services Sector: Benefits and Challenges, Wednesday, May 8, 1-2 p.m. EDT. With the assistance of AI, first responders can perform their duties more effectively. This webinar will discuss some of the challenges that come with using these tools. CISA will roll out its second AI Fact Sheet during this webinar.
    • Webinar 3 - Artificial Intelligence and the Emergency Services Sector: Case Studies, Wednesday, May 15, 1-2 p.m. EDT. The case studies that will be discussed offer current examples, per subsector, of efforts underway in developing AI tools and algorithms that may benefit the ESS. CISA will roll out its third AI Fact Sheet during this webinar.
    • See Original Post


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