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  • June 20, 2017 4:01 PM | Anonymous


    Product Notice:
    Inovonics Adds UL Listings to EN4204R Four Zone Add-on Receiver

    What's New 
    Inovonics EN4204R four zone add-on receiver with relay output is now UL listed.

    New Functionality
    The EN4204R four zone add-on receiver with relay outputs holds UL 365, UL 636, UL 985, UL 1023, ULC/ORD-C1023-74, UL 1610 and UL 1076 listings.

    To learn more about our UL products and descriptions please visit our regulatory compliance page here. 

    The Benefit
    Customers can deploy the EN4204R in areas requiring UL 365, UL 636, UL 985, UL 1023, ULC/ORD-C1023-74, UL 1610 or UL 1076 listings.

    Add-on Receiver Portfolio
    The addition of UL certification on the EN4204R compliments existing add-on receiver agency certification.

  • June 20, 2017 3:54 PM | Anonymous


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  • June 15, 2017 2:25 PM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    by Joan Baldwin

    [re-posted from the Northern States Conservation Center Collections Caretaker eNewsletter]

    The other day a colleague sent me an email. It contained a photograph of a group of blue ribbons on a table. Each ribbon said, "I Survived Another Meeting that Should Have Been an Email." I suspect my colleague and I are not the only people who see meeting announcements on Google calendar and are gripped with dread. Why? Because too often they're not actual meetings but opportunities to pontificate. People prattle on, they dominate, they wander down intellectual rat holes dazzled at their own verbal skills while the rest of the group languishes, twitches, or gazes out the window. Why? Because no one is listening, they're waiting to speak and there is a difference.

    One of the leaders we interviewed for Leadership Matters told us a story. She was new to the field and new to her job as the director of an active historical organization. After a board meeting, a trustee pulled her aside. His advice? Shut up. Just listen. Really listen. Too many leaders, directors and department heads think the appearance of listening passes for the act itself. But it doesn't and even someone with lame facial recognition skills can recognize attention versus inattention. Being on the receiving end of an inattentive colleague makes some people angry. They would rather skip the interaction and send an email. At least then there is a record of what they said. Inattention leaves others feeling erased as if what they have to offer doesn't really matter. Real listening means your thoughts actually respond to mine. You say things like picking up on what Joan just said, I believe......We build something as we toss ideas back and forth. We engage. We acknowledge each other's skills.

    Why does all this matter if you're a leader as opposed to being a member of a department or staff? Well, skilled leadership inspires trust. Trust is earned any number of ways, but one way is by making an employee, a team member or a direct report feel valued. People who are never heard don't feel valued. They feel dissed. They feel their time is wasted. 

    Today, in the age of distraction, there are very few of us who aren't guilty of poor listening. Bad enough that our egos and our thoughts can distract us so magnificently. Now we have email, Snapchat, Googlechat, Twitter and so much more.  So the next time you enter a room ready to lead a meeting for a group of overworked, overtired employees, try this: Ask everyone to turn off all their phones and close their laptops. Have them put both feet on the floor, hands on the table, and close their eyes. Wait 30 seconds. Then ask them to open their eyes. Start by asking the person on your left to "check-in," meaning one or two sentences about how they are. (Another variation of this is Outward Bound's check-in which involves telling the group one good thing or one bad thing about the day.) Both these activities require a slowing down, a focus on colleagues, and on who they are as people, not just their to-do lists. If your staff is given to too much information in check-ins, try asking everyone to close their eyes again. Ask them to start to repeat the alphabet, one person to each letter. If two people speak at the same time, the group needs to begin again. If the group really listens, they ought to be able to reach M or N.

    Have fun. Let's dedicate the next week to listening attentively and see what happens.

    Reprinted with permission from Leadership Matters  Posted:  March 11, 2015

    Thoughts on 21st Century museum leadership by Anne Ackerson and Joan Baldwin

    For more information on Leadership please check out other articles from this Blog.

  • June 08, 2017 12:55 PM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    By Bill Anderson, Art Guard

    Lending by private collectors has always been a vital component of the museum and gallery market. It serves the borrowing institution by expanding its reputation in a specific area or style or by broadening its scope of scholarship. Bigger crowds, increased patronage and a spotlight on their capabilities are desirable outcomes. For lenders, the advantages may be several-fold, including attention, if sought, and tax advantages. Or the new venue may simply be a place to park a piece of art vs. paying for storage.

    Given the current climate for museums, borrowing may be on the rise, and not just among Kunsthalles. According to Eli Broad, borrowing, rather than owning, could be the future for museums, given the high cost of buying, storing and insuring art these days. “We’re going to bear the burden of insurance, we’re going to bear the burden of conservation,” he said. Lenders should not make any assumptions about a loan arrangement. They should work with a lawyer specializing in art law to ensure that all the proper steps are taken to safely transport art to and from the borrower and protect it while it is in another’s care.   Yet there are gaps, and assumptions continue to be made, particularly when the duration of the loan is short, which may cause both parties to be less rigorous. Currently, it is not unusual for standard loan documents from the borrower to outline protections in as ambiguous a manner as possible. The terms are, not surprisingly, brief in addressing topics like protection from theft while the work is on the borrower’s premises. Museums, particularly those with budget constraints, will apply their own standards for protection, which may not be sufficient or equal in degree to satisfy the lender’s unwritten criteria. Common language guarantees “…exercising the same care in respect to the works that it does in the safekeeping of comparable property of its own”, should be cold comfort to a lender. Today, we are far short of the point when theft, whether from the outside or within, is no longer an issue. In fact, with the expansion of the market and continuously rising prices, a greater threat of theft is inevitable. Nor should lenders depend on insurers to cover all contingencies, like theft, water damage, etc. Insurers are increasingly constrained by the concurrent rising cost of coverage in a highly competitive market. Standard language regarding a state-of-the-art level of protection from any possible occurrence should be a part of any complete loan document. These terms would require very little additional legwork by lawyers to set an acceptable threshold. Lenders should become more active in ensuring that their work is safe by applying greater scrutiny to existing loan agreements. The borrowers that take extra steps to ensure proper anti-theft protection will maintain their reputations as showcases for loaned work. Higher standards for lending and borrowing will ultimately benefit the entire market.

  • May 12, 2017 5:07 PM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    by Glenn MacIntyre, CIPM, CIPI
    certified IFCPP instructor

    Priceless Artwork Damaged By Impaired Patron

    A 36-year-old woman punched, scratched, rubbed her butt on, and peed next to a $30-$40 million painting.

    Museum Evacuated After Fire

    A construction worker’s cigarette landed on some sawdust, sparking a massive fire that destroyed a valuable Picasso.

    Ancient Urn Destroyed By 12-Year Old

    A 12-year old trips and falls, knocking over an urn dating back to the Ming Dynasty.  The Curator stated that “Once it hit the marble floor, it shattered into hundreds of pieces. It was like a gun shot or a bomb had gone off.”

    Security Officer Killed During Shooting at Museum

    A rifle-wielding aggressor entered the museum on Wednesday afternoon, fatally shooting a security officer before being wounded himself by return fire from other guards.  A six-year veteran of the museum's security staff "died heroically in the line of duty," said the museum director.  “They did exactly what they were supposed to do to protect people in the museum; never take your guard force and security people for granted," he said. 

    These are all words we don’t want to hear at our institution, yet the last statement is exactly what we do when we do not train our security staff; we take them for granted.  Just as condemning, is providing ineffective or out-of-date training.

    Too often, this crucial part of operations at cultural property locations is ignored because:  a) “it’ll never happen here”, or b) “security is a necessary evil for insurance purposes only” or c) “they don’t bring in money, they’re costly enough as it is; the preservation of the artwork takes priority”.  However, these are the same people we leave in charge of protecting the artifacts, natural wonders and items that we owe our entire existence.  If we lose our entire inventory, are we still in business?

    There are many organizations out there that promise the proper training.  However, how well do they know your institution?  Are they well versed in the necessary training?  What is required for your institution?  What about his/her background?  He/she was a Security Officer for five years; does that qualify them to teach?  What if he/she was a college professor in Criminal Justice, does that qualify him/her?  They were certified 5 years ago by some recognized program, is that enough?  Have you checked out the Instructor’s credentials to verify they are currently approved to instruct?

    I have worked with three different states’ agencies that require state licensing for Security Officers.   Each state has its own requirements (anywhere from 8 – 40 hours).  It is amazing the horror stories the states’ have passed along to me.  One state has shut down hundreds of these organizations that were originally approved.

    A true Instructor/Teacher/Professor is committed to the student learning.  We should all be interested in professionalizing our industry.  Although not everyone is suited to work in a security role or maybe in your institution’s environment, be it a library, a zoo, botanical garden, museum, etc., very few people come to work to fail at their job.   Once again, we are setting them up to fail if we don’t provide them the tools and skills to be successful.  This goes from the security officer, to the supervisor, to the security manager, to the Facilities Director, and so on.

    When it comes right down to it, aren’t we all educational institutes anyway?  Why do we all get school groups coming to visit:  to learn!  Why neglect our own employees?  The message we are sending these guardians of the collections is:  “this place doesn’t care, why should I?”.

    We also need to be aware of local, state or federal requirements and standards, which frequently are updated.  This is why the IFCPP is looking into offering more than just our own certification programs.  We are currently prepared to offer: 

    a)     state mandated training for:

    1.     State of New York,

    2.     State of Vermont

    3.     State of Connecticut.

    b)    Management of Aggressive Behavior

    We are also looking for input on whether we should become a training center for OSHA, since they are actively seeking more training centers through non-profit organizations.  So if anyone is interested in OSHA certified safety training (or any other specific training) please contact Rob Layne at  In today’s society, with more and more competition and regulations hindering our abilities to stay open, we need to continue to enhance our programs by continually utilizing and making our security staff more versatile through education.

    IFCPP is committed to reducing the number of articles like this one:  the ex-employee who killed himself inside a gallery at the campus' art museum was a security guard who resigned in several years ago to avoid being fired.

    What we should be striving for in every situation is:  "Our security did an incredible job disarming the situation and did exactly as they were trained to do".

  • April 13, 2017 10:59 AM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    by Robert A. Carotenuto, CPP, PCI, PSP

    [republished from the ASIS Cultural Properties Council Newsletter, Volume 2, March 2017]

    Cultural properties continue to be under attack.  A machete-wielding man rushed at a group of soldiers on guard at the Louvre museum on February 3rd and was shot and stopped by one of the soldiers.  Two weeks later, an attack by an Islamic State suicide bomb killed 88 people attending shrine to Sufi saint Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan, a town in the southern Sindh province, Pakistan.  As advocates for securing cultural properties, we must continue to build our global network of experts and collaborate on the best ways of meeting the continued threats to our world’s softest targets.

    To this end, I am proud that our Houses of Worship committee has published a Vulnerability Mitigation Scenarios White Paper. I am also proud that the first draft of our council’s CRISP Report Case Study on the Clunia archaeological site was ready for peer review this March.  Much work still lies ahead, as the

    Library Committee begins drafting its White Paper on the current heroin epidemic, the Museum Committee revises some of our dated guidelines, and our council’s general efforts to complete our White paper on Children Safety in Cultural Properties. 

    Our efforts to produce valuable information continue with Jim McGuffey’s future webinar on Security Risk Analysis this July and my webinar on creating effective tabletop exercises this September.  We look forward to council members submitting outstanding sessions for the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits this September, where I know we will be well represented at both the speaker’s podium and at our council’s booth.

    We continue to seek membership from Women in Security, Young Professionals, and international members. I will be representing our council and others at ASIS Milan at the end of March to assist in global recruitment as well as the ASIS International effort to create mini-councils.  I ask that each council member make an effort to recruit a YP, WIS, or an international member for our council.  Of course, look to your own staff first, and bring them aboard for mentorship and leadership opportunities and follow the example of past council chair Bill Powers!

    As mentioned on our last conference call, I am most proud to have been awarded ASIS International Council Chairman of the Year. This award validates the work of my fellow council members. Your enthusiasm in promoting the council’s activities and attracting new members, in writing great articles for our newsletter, as well as developing and publishing valuable white papers, made our council first amongst equals. My award is but recognition for your efforts.

    I urge those working for or with cultural properties to get involved. You will reap the benefits of peer discussions to learn best practices, foster friendships, and advance our profession. Whether you’re a young professional or seasoned practitioner, the Cultural Properties Council seeks your involvement and perspective.

  • April 13, 2017 10:58 AM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    By Paula Ratliff

    [republished from the ASIS Cultural Properties Council Newsletter, Volume 2, March 2017] 

    Shelter in Place:  A Security Concept That Every American Should Know

    “Shelter in Place” is a relatively new concept that is taught by criminologists and law enforcement professionals.  It is a precautionary term, aimed to keep you safe while remaining indoors and in the area where you are, should you hear gunshots or explosions.  While it is advisable, if you are close to an area with few or no windows and you can get there safely, that may be a good option.  Otherwise, you need to take cover in the area where you are and wait for the all clear directive to be given by local law enforcement.

    School teachers are trained on how to do this in the event of an active shooter.  If a teacher hears gun shots and they cannot leave the classroom, they should immediately secure the room by locking and barricading the doors, covering and closing all windows and then securing the children under desks, furniture, book cases, etc.  The concept is that you seek immediate shelter with whatever you have available until the “all clear” code has been given or until given instructions by local law enforcement officials.  Some classrooms are equipped with an exit door, but exiting the door could be the wrong action and it is best to wait until you know it is safe to exit.

    It is unfortunate that we must train school, hospital, church, retail and mall administrators, plant operators and others in crime prevention and safety measures.  Yet, it is the reality of the world in which we live.  We never know when someone is going to start shooting and the decisions you make in a split second could determine if you survive. 

    This past summer, I was speaking at a college in Cincinnati, Ohio when I asked the group of students, “What would you do if you heard gun shots?”  The response was to look out the door to see where the shots originated.  Well, that was a really wrong answer, and one that could get you killed immediately.  If there is an active shooter, your head just appeared in their video game and they are taking you out!  It is advisable that you do not go looking for an active shooter unless you are armed and ready to engage. 

    We have all watched in horror the videos of the lone-wolf terrorists, working at and/or with the instruction of ISIS leaders.  They are becoming more aggressive in their approaches and will continue to target soft targets.  Soft targets are things/areas that are not adequately secured.  They find a weak spot in your security program and they target it.  It is unfortunate, but we will always be vulnerable as criminals shoot up airports and drive trucks into crowds and enter schools, universities and restaurants.  Workplace violence continues to increase and factories and businesses need to be proactive in security training and security perimeters.

    If your company and/or business is not training employees on how to Shelter in Place, you need to begin this immediately.  Consult your local law enforcement officials or a criminologist to assess your location and devise a plan of action.  It is your responsibility to protect those that work for you and the failure to devise a plan could result in legal liability for you and your company.

  • April 13, 2017 10:56 AM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    By Gary Miville

    [republished from the ASIS Cultural Properties Council Newsletter, Volume 2, March 2017]

    As we work in our different areas throughout the United States there is a constant need for security professionals to network. We have organizations like ASIS International and the IFCPP which help us meet peer to peer but ultimately we need to enhance our ability strengthen our network to include the Federal government organizations. One organization that I have found especially helpful and insightful is InfraGard.  InfraGard is an alliance for national infrastructure protection. This organization was formed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation around 2003 as a non-profit.  InfraGard’s liaison and outreach efforts have developed close working partnerships, not only between the private sector and the FBI, but with other pivotal agencies, to include the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Small Business Administration (SBA).

    InfraGard partnership is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement/public safety agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S. The InfraGard National Members Alliance is comprised of 84 chapters representing over 50,000 vetted members, to include critical sector subject matter experts on protecting the 16 Critical Sectors. InfraGard provides its members with unmatched opportunities to promote the physical and cyber security of their organizations, through access to a trusted, national network of Subject Matter Experts from the public and private sectors and government stakeholders, at the local, state, and federal levels. InfraGard engages subject matter experts and address threat issues across each of the 16 sectors of critical infrastructures and key resources recognized by Presidential Policy Directive-21, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

    To become a member of InfraGard there are a list of requirements.:.

    • ·       U.S  Citizen, 18 years or older
    • ·       Affiliated with a critical infrastructure sector
    • ·       Consent to and pass FBI security risk assessment and periodic recertification
    • ·       Agree to adhere to InfraGard Code of Ethics and Information Sharing Policies.
    If you are interested on becoming an InfraGard member or you would just like to attend a meeting with a member. Go to for more information.

  • April 13, 2017 10:55 AM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    by Andy Davis

    [republished from the ASIS Cultural Properties Council Newsletter, Volume 2, March 2017]

    The setting for the inaugural International Arts & Antiquities Security Forum (IAAS-Forum 2016) could not have been better. The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Arts standing on the southern bank of the River Tyne mixed the historical culture of the region with a modern vibrant venue.

    There was a wonderful blend of British and international delegates and speakers; some of whom had travelled from the USA specifically for the event, all networking before the start of the event.

    The Chair of the IAAS-Forum Andy Davis (and Council member) opened the event before passing onto the event Keynote Speaker, Michael Huijser the Executive Director of the Dutch National Maritime Museum and a Dutch government museums advisor. Mr. Huijser truly set the scene for the speakers that followed by outlining the importance of security and the cultural world.

    The opening section of the event really established the context for the Forum and showed the threats that exist both within the UK and internationally. Detective Chief Superintendent Adrian Green discussed how organised criminal targeted UK museums and successfully got away with over artefacts worth over £57 million, very sobering. He was followed by Julian Radcliffe the CEO of The Arts Loss Register who outlined the international scale and terrorist use of art and antiques to fund their activities.

    Andy was able to get some great audience participation by demonstrating how multiple layers of security can protect jewels; in this case ‘Ferrero Rocher’™ chocolates! This presentation was a great introduction to the next section which was led by Jim McGuffey who discussed the protection of places of worship and target hardening. This caused many of the audience to comment on the innovation put forward by Jim and the benefits of his presentation.

    The next two presentations were provided by the Council International lead, Ricardo Sanz, who had flown in from Spain and Declan Garrett who had travelled from Dublin. What was interesting was that although both were discussing security operations Ricardo looked at historical and technical perspectives whilst Declan provided excellent reasons why organisations should invest in their security personnel and the broader benefits they can bring.

    The next speaker is somebody whom many of the delegates were keen to hear and that was William Brown the National Security Advisor from the Arts Council. William, who is always smiling, discussed the security standards and best practises needed to qualify for the government indemnity scheme relating to loans of governmental artworks.

    Finally, there was a panel discussion involving specialist support services for the arts and antiquities world. The panel consisted of Dr Nicholas Eastaugh, a scientist specialising in profile and authentication of arts, Annabel Fell-Clark the former head of AXA Art insurance and William Brown discussing the movement and transportation of art. Some really testing questions were asked of the panel but they were able to answer and educate the delegates I some pretty specific, but important topics.

    In addition to the speakers there were exhibitors who had obviously been selected because of their services and support to the arts and culture sectors. There were specialist glazing providers, drone pilots, CCTV and barrier security manufacturers. The highlight of the exhibitors came in the form of one of the main event sponsors who demonstrated over the lunchtime the capabilities and effects of their fogging product; I can certainly vouch that I was blinded and unlike other cloaking devices did not leave any reside.

    The Forum was closed by the event Chair with a promise of more to come in 2017. Drinks and canapés were served in the glass fronted lobby overlooking the beautiful Tyneside Quayside.

    What struck me about the event was the quality of the speakers and the obvious thought that had been put into the content to ensure its relevance to as many of the delegates as possible; but without detracting from the theme behind the event. The delegates genuinely seemed to enjoy and appreciate the efforts and the whole nature of the event.  Michael Hole, a Director with Vinovium Associates described it as, “The best seminar I’ve been to in years, with some really excellent speakers!” A sentiment that was echoed by many of the other delegates.

    Interestingly the event organisers have already had requests from international speakers and delegates for the 2017 event. This has demonstrated the desire within the sector for this type of specialist event to be made available to not only museums but galleries, private collectors and associated organisations. By having the Council at the forefront of these type of events not only increases the profile of the individuals but also that of the Cultural Properties Council.

  • April 13, 2017 10:54 AM | Rob Layne (Administrator)

    By Ricardo Sanz Marcos

    [republished from the ASIS Cultural Properties Council Newsletter, Volume 2, March 2017]

    El Consejo de Patrimonio Cultural de ASIS INTERNACIONAL está focalizado en la protección de instituciones dedicadas a la preservación, exhibición y administración de recursos culturales: museos, bibliotecas, archivos, organizaciones religiosas, centros de artes escénicas, jardines botánicos y cualquier instalación cultural que tenga como responsabilidad la protección de personas, colecciones de arte y otros bienes culturales.

    El Consejo está constituido por profesionales de la seguridad que realizan su trabajo en instituciones culturales, y vuelcan su experiencia y buenas prácticas en recursos que ayudan en la Gestión de la protección del Patrimonio Cultural. Compartir conocimiento y apoyarnos entre los miembros del grupo, es realmente una característica fundamental de nuestro funcionamiento.

    Como resultado de los esfuerzos del Consejo se han generados documentos* muy interesantes para la práctica de la seguridad en instituciones culturales como:

    • ·       Guía de Protección contra Incendios.
    • ·       Casas de Culto*, Guía de Evaluación de Riesgos de Seguridad.
    • ·       Enfoques para la dotación de personal de seguridad en museos, informe de referencia.
    • ·       Prácticas sugeridas para el diseño y la construcción de sistemas de seguridad en exposiciones y museos.
    • ·       Prácticas sugeridas para proteger casas de culto.
    • ·       Recomendaciones para la preparación de museos en situaciones de tiradores activos/franco-tiradores.
    • ·       Prácticas sugeridas para la seguridad de los museos.

    *Estos documentos, que contienen guías, casos de éxito y buenas prácticas, se pueden adaptar a cada cultura, país o región

    **Definición de Casas de Culto: iglesias, sinagogas, mezquitas, casas de oración de diversos credos.

    Desde mi primer encuentro con miembros del Consejo, en la reunión anual de ASIS en Atlanta en 2014, como Gary Miville, James Clark y Robert Carotenuto, vi de forma clara que la expansión internacional de ASIS, pasaba por generar grupos de trabajo con pertenencia cultural común y que el idioma era determinante. Y la cultura Hispano Americana /Latino Americana y el español deben formar uno de esos grupos de trabajo.

    En la última reunión anual de ASIS INTERNACIONAL en Orlando, inicié los primeros pasos de constitución de un grupo de trabajo en español de nuestro Consejo de Patrimonio Cultural, a través de unas conversaciones con Gary Miville y Jaime Owens. Tuve la oportunidad de compartir y poner en relieve, el enorme potencial de los países de habla hispana en materia de Patrimonio Cultural y la oportunidad que  supondría poder trabajar y hablar en español dentro de ASIS.

    Los países de habla Hispana son verdaderas potencias en Patrimonio Cultural y su sostenibilidad (la Gestión de Seguridad es parte imprescindible de la sostenibilidad), aporta valor añadido en la generación de riqueza a nivel nacional.

    Sin ir más lejos, este año  se presentará un Proyecto sobre la Protección de Yacimientos Arqueológicos, en el que hemos colaborado miembros de Estados Unidos y de España. Este trabajo generará un documento en inglés y español que pretender ser la referencia mundial sobre la seguridad en los Yacimientos Arqueológicos.

    A este naciente grupo de trabajo en español será bienvenido cualquier profesional que quiera aportar su conocimiento y experiencia y pertenecer a un colectivo realmente internacional especializado en la protección del Patrimonio Cultural.

    Como objetivo más inmediato, hemos fijado la reunión anual de ASIS que este año se celebra en Dallas, Tejas, Estados Unidos, para mantener los primeros contactos presenciales de los miembros del grupo de trabajo en español del Consejo de Patrimonio Cultural. Mientras tanto, estoy a su disposición para entre todos hacer del español un idioma común en ASIS.

    Nos vemos en Dallas.


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