Reposted from the Huffington Post
Protests erupted inside New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Saturday night as demonstrators demanded the museum ditch its ties with the Sackler family ― the owners of Purdue Pharma, manufacturer and marketer of prescription painkiller OxyContin.
The museum’s Sackler Center for Arts Education, which includes multimedia labs and lecture theatres sprawled out over 8,200-square feet, was a gift from the family and opened to the public in 2001.
Footage of the incident uploaded to Twitter show leaflets being thrown from one of the museum’s upper walkways as some protesters staged a die-in.
Designed to look like prescription slips, the leaflets were a response to allegations made in a court filing that a member of the Sackler family had predicted the launch of the opioid painkiller would be “followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition.”
Oxycodone, the drug’s active ingredient, is among the most common painkillers in prescription opioid deaths. Per the Associated Press, Purdue Pharma, its executives and members of the Sackler family were recently accused of deceiving patients and doctors about the risk of opioids and allegedly pushed prescribers of the drug to keep patients on it for longer.
The museum did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment on the protests.
The latest demonstration comes after protesters targeted the Metropolitan Museum of Art last year for its ties to the family, tossing mock pill bottles into the moat at the Temple of Dendur ― housed in the museum’s Sackler wing ― which were labeled: “Prescribed to you by the Sackler Family.”
The New York Times reports that after leaving the Guggenheim, several of the protesters marched down Fifth Avenue with a barrier that read “Shame on Sackler.”
See Original Post
Reposted from Allied Universal
Whether regional or national, business leaders face the impact of globalization. In today’s world, it is not a question of if a crisis will affect an enterprise, but when. Events, such as a terror attack, data breach, pandemic or travel ban, that happen on the other side of the world can affect business resilience and valuation just as much as those down the street or on premise.
Threat Intelligence—delivered to key decision makers in a timely manner—is crucial for the safety of everyone. And businesses want the ability to garner relevant threat intelligence from cyber chatter most critical to the organization and report it to internal stakeholders, who can quickly act upon it. A variety of sophisticated technology tools are gaining popularity for their ability to easily integrate with security programs. Such tools aggregate, analyze and report threat intelligence in real time—for proactive security response.
Via open source data channels, social media, the dark web and other publishing platforms, customers use these types of technologies to form common operating pictures to:
Act on real-time alerts of threats such as protest activity, suspicious package, or impending disaster within a radius of interest to facilities or assets.
Monitor personalized keywords or locations across multiple social media platforms.
Share a common operating picture dashboard of an incident across their organization for collaboration and response as was the case during Hurricane Harvey.
For example, during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, TX360, a situational awareness and threat intelligence platform, helped customers stay current with relevant information such as:
Official alerts and notices of events that could potentially affect transportation
Protest and boycott information and social media content
Emergency contact and Olympic information for local law enforcement, U.S. Government departments (Embassy, Department of State) and tourism links
Mapping of the locations, and photos and videos and games schedules
In another example of situational awareness, PlanetRisk ramped up its alerting and reporting dashboards during recent bombings in Austin, Texas, to support timely updates to local organizations the company serves. The platform:
Provided location accuracy, timeliness, and context to the threats that developed over a three-week period and
Consistently delivered incident notifications of each explosion faster than larger news conglomerates.
Combined with experienced analysts, these types of services provide relevant data required to identify and understand threats to properties and implement core situational awareness programs that reduce risk and improve ROI for any organization.
By integrating platforms like TX360 and ThreatMinder into their security operation centers, or through Allied Universal’s Global Security Operating Center as a Service (GSOCaaS), customers can leverage threat intelligence in a profound way.
Reposted from Securitas Security Services, USA, Inc.
Who Is an Active Shooter?
According to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) an active shooter uses firearms to kill or
attempt to kill people in crowded or confined areas. There may or may not be a logical pattern in which an active shooter finds his victim, and the incident evolves very quickly. Such incidents are unpredictable and can happen anywhere, at any time. The triggers for such incidents could be personal anger, ideology, revenge, mental illness or many other reasons.
Active Shooter: Survival Tips
It was just another day at the office for Alex. It was noon as he stepped out of a meeting with his manager. It was time for lunch, and he walked towards the cafeteria. Suddenly, he heard a loud sound. Before he could think clearly, he heard two similar sounds followed by painful cries of people whose voices he couldn’t recognize. Then he realized what has happening. He was too shocked to move. Could he be the next target? What should he do now?
Active shooting has become a common cause of occupational fatalities in recent times, with instances occurring in schools, offices, shopping malls and other public places. It is essential to know how to react when you face such an incident. Being aware of safety strategies can help you not just stay safe, but also help save the lives of many. An untrained person is likely to react with fear, helplessness and panic. A trained person on the other it hand, can make a big difference to himself or herself, to the people around, and to the situation.
How to Respond to an Active Shooting Incident The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommends that when an active shooter is nearby, the best course of action would be to RUN, HIDE or FIGHT.
1. Run
· Be aware of your environment.
· Know the nearest exits and leave the building if possible. Take others along while you exit. If others disagree, evacuate alone and run/walk to a safe location. Leave your bag and other belongings behind.
· Prevent people from entering the premise.
· Call 911 as soon as you think is safe.
2. Hide
· If the shooter is nearby, or if exiting is not an option, hide in a place where you are not visible. If you are in a hallway or lobby, run to a room.
· Secure your hiding place. If you are in a room, lock it from inside, switch off the lights and block the entrance with heavy furniture.
· Be Silent! Put your cell phone on and silent mode immediately. A ring or a vibration will give away your location.
3. Fight
· This should only be done as the last resort. If running or hiding is not possible or if your life is in imminent danger and you have no other option, you can use physical force to try to take down the shooter.
· Try to incapacitate the active shooter.
· Yell at the attacker and throw things. Use any physical force available/possible to stop the shooter and defend yourself or others.
What to Say When You Call 911
Dial 911 as soon as you think it is safe. Remain calm and give the following information:
· Location of the active shooting incident.
· Number of active shooters.
· Shooter’s physical description.
· Type of arms used in the incident.
· Number of victims or potential victims present.
What to Do When Law Enforcement Arrives
· Stay calm and follow the instructions given.
· Put down items that you are carrying.
· Raise your hands and spread your fingers.
· Keep your hands visible always.
· Do not make any quick movement towards officer for safety or other reasons.
· Do not shout or yell.
Additional Resources There are a number of e-learning courses available for Securitas USA employees on workplace safety. These courses help employees understand how to detect, deter and report violent people and incidents. Topics include how-tos on recognizing potentially violent individuals and situations; preventing incidents from escalating; and properly responding to and following up on incidents. Real-life scenarios test learners’ ability to spot “red flags” potential triggers. Titles in the LMS include:
· Workplace Violence
· Shots Fired – When Lightning Strikes
· NSI Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR): Private Sector Security Training
The SCPD Library offers courses including:
· Workplace Violence: Recognizing the Warning Signs
· Make it Safe: Your Workplace, Your Job
· Shots Fired On Campus – When Lightning Strikes
· RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event
For more information on this and other security related topics, visit the Securitas Safety Awareness Knowledge Center at:
Reposted from BBC
The work, which depicted a young female figure with a mournful expression, was cut out and removed from one of the emergency doors at the venue.
"We are today filled with a deep sense of indignation," the Bataclan tweeted.
In November 2015, 90 people were killed when armed militants targeted the venue during a rock concert.
"Banksy's work, a symbol of recollection and belonging to all: locals, Parisians, citizens of the world, has been taken from us," the Bataclan wrote in a statement posted on Twitter.
The theft, which occurred overnight on Friday, involved "a group of hooded individuals armed with angle grinders", AFP news agency reports, citing a source close to the investigation.
The suspects then reportedly drove away with the artwork in a truck.
Banksy's art has become extremely popular and sought-after. A piece of his work which appeared on a garage in the UK was recently sold privately for a "six-figure sum".
Last October, Banksy made headlines after one of his paintings was sold for more than £1m at auction by Sotheby's in London - and then immediately shredded itself.
Banksy is a famous - but anonymous - British graffiti artist. He keeps his identity a secret.
He produces pieces of work which pop up in public places, such as on the walls of buildings. A lot of his art is done in a particular style which people can easily recognize.
He began spray-painting trains and walls in his home city of Bristol in the early 1990s. But in the 2000s, he expanded his work beyond Bristol and was soon leaving his artistic mark all over the world.
Earlier this month, a piece of graffiti discovered at a monorail station in Tokyo, Japan, caused a stir for bearing resemblance to the famous Banksy painting "Umbrella rat".
Reposted from Artnet News
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has revealed that there’s been an increase in the number of women and people of color in leadership roles at museums, according to the second part of its Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey.
The percentage of women holding leadership roles—which the survey defines as “all executive positions,” including directors, CEOs, and CFOs—increased from 57 percent to 62 percent between 2015 and 2018. (Directorships, however, remain majority male, as do curatorial roles with management responsibilities.)
The number of people of color occupying these positions increased only from 11 percent to 12 percent in this same period. One category that saw significant change, however, was the number of African American curators, which doubled from 2015 to 2018.
The numbers “offer a snapshot of change that is overdue, slow, but also real and welcome,” said Mariët Westermann, executive vice president of the Mellon Foundation, in a statement on the findings.
The results, gathered last year and released today, are the culmination of a far-reaching survey of data from 332 art museums and more than 30,000 employees. The foundation began the survey in 2014 and published the first round of results in 2015.
The report, initiated by the Mellon Foundation, the Association of Art Museum Directors, and the American Alliance of Museums, and administered by the research firm Ithaka S+R, shows that progress has been incremental. Women remain the slight majority of total employees at art museums, though that number slips back when it comes to occupying leadership roles; likewise, museums have hired more people of color in recent years, contributing to a more diverse workforce overall, though in small doses.
Overall, the speed and frequency at which departments are hiring and promoting women and people of color is taking place largely in the curatorial and education departments, which are considerably larger on average. “While trends in recent hiring are encouraging, certain parts of the museum appear not as quick to change, especially the most senior leadership positions,” Westermann said.
There have been a growing number of initiatives dedicated to addressing the lack of diversity in museums. In July, the American Association of Museum Directors announced a paid internship program for minority college students, while the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation announced a $4 million grant targeting board diversification at museums around the country just a few weeks ago.
Reposted from TechRepublic
With more than 600 cybersecurity data breaches in 2018 alone, enterprises must be prepared to prevent and mitigate coming attacks, according to Kelvin Coleman, executive director of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a nonprofit public-private partnership promoting cybersecurity and privacy education and awareness.
Coleman, a former cybersecurity director for the US Department of Homeland Security and the White House National Security Council, has spent his career trying to peer around the corner when it comes to technology, he said. He breaks technology down into three parts: Products, processes, and people.
It's no secret that cybersecurity should be taken seriously, said Daniel Elliott, director of small business programs at NCSA, which means the CISO should have a seat at the table for all business decisions.
"Part of that equation, in addition to using big data and insights to inform training and awareness, is to elevate the role of the CISO within the enterprise, and include them in the overall leadership of the organization," he added.
Here are three trends that will impact enterprise cybersecurity in 2019 and beyond, according to Coleman.
As many members of Generation Z enter the workforce, "none of them have ever lived in this world without their smartphone or their computers," Coleman said. "This is going to have a significant impact on the enterprise this year, and how technology is evaluated and deployed within different generations."
The rise of Gen Z in the workplace will also impact how companies use technology for fortification, defense, training, development, sales, operations, and most other parts of the enterprise, Coleman said.
The cybersecurity workforce will also slowly begin to skew younger, Coleman predicted, due to the number of open jobs available, and the number of universities beginning to add coursework in this area. "We know it's only going to grow from here," he added.
Phishing may be an old threat, but it remains one of the most successful means of attack, Coleman said. "With phishing, we know the adversary is going to continue to evolve to use phishing as a way to literally lure people to download the viruses or malware," he added. Fighting phishing means adequately training employees not to click links or download files that look suspicious, Coleman said.
These attacks are often effective because they rely on human behavior, rather than a vulnerability in a system, Coleman said.
Businesses must increase their focus on providing employee education around cybersecurity—however, there is no one-size-fits-all method, Coleman said.
"There are a lot of really great, innovative businesses out there using technology to catch the bad behaviors and then deploying either just-in-time education or sending that feedback back to the organization so they can then provide valuable insights back to leadership to design some programs," he added.
While it's important for CISOs to keep an eye on emerging technologies and threats, hackers will figure out a way to leverage those to meet their own interests, Elliot said. "But when it comes to securing the enterprise, a lot of it also comes down to not getting caught up in the new technologies so much that we forget the basics of cybersecurity—the two-factor authentication and encryption and segmenting networks," he added. "All those things are so important to organizations."
Reposted from Art Guard
While recently reflecting on the estimated $4B to $6B figure of art stolen annually I started thinking about the reasons for taking such a high risk, and I stumbled on an interesting article that lists four motives. Not all thieves are in it for the money, as opposed to, say, someone robbing a bank.
First Type: Show Me The Money.
The most obvious is one who steals for profit. They’re often sophisticated, but not always. It’s a common misconception that theft of valuable art is useless because of its high visibility in an ever shrinking world, but that fails to take into account a thief taking less money than imagined and increasing his potential buyer base, hiding it away for future opportunities, or worse, destroying it to avoid prosecution. A more recent phenomenon is selling to the Chinese market where it’s easier to find a flush buyer, with lower chances of a piece being identified than on the Western art market.
Second Type: Trophy-hunting Art Thieves
Then there are the trophy hunters. They don’t make much money at all and cause themselves endless aggravation, but they enjoy doing it either for the beauty of the art or the adrenaline kick. Remember the movie The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan stealing Monet’s painting of San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk?
Third Type: Thieves With Purpose.
A third category is best exemplified by the Mafia and their history of art theft for potentially long-term goals. In particular, art can be used as a bargaining chip with authorities for any type of negotiation. And for this reason art is often traded or sold among a circle of criminal groups.
Fourth Type: Crazed Art Fan.
And sometimes it’s just a crazed art fan. “An unemployed construction worker was jailed in 2010 for stealing Poland’s only Monet and stashing it in his parents’ wardrobe. The AFP reported: The 41-year-old man pleaded guilty to the charges, saying he stole the 1882 Monet canvas titled “Plage de Pourville” from a museum in Poznan, eastern Poland, in 2000 after spending hours admiring it.”
Art theft will always be a big business and some of the famous art theft stories will stay mysteries and become great movies. If you want to read more about real life art theft that just sounds like Hollywood movies, here is a good article.
Much of art theft can be stopped by a simple alert to someone close by that a painting has been grabbed. And for galleries and small museums it does not have to be a sophisticated system. The cost effective Safe Hook is a simple and very reliable means of stopping the most common method of theft. In the words of Jacquie Littlejohn, a NYC Gallery owner “Every museum and gallery should have a case of Art Guard Safe Hooks.”
If you are curious to see how Safe Hook works, click here to learn more about how it is a very reliable solution that brings peace of mind.
Reposted from Pinnacol Assurance
When you think of OSHA compliance, hazard communication (HazCom) may not be the first thing that comes to mind. That may be why it was the second most commonly cited OSHA violation in 2017. Employers don’t often prioritize HazCom, simply because they are not familiar with the standard or they are focused on more visible workplace hazards.
One big reason employers struggle is that the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard may feel like a moving target. In 2012, OSHA aligned its standard with the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), and future updates are expected. OSHA has expressed its intention to update HazCom 2012 to align with the UN’s latest version of GHS, which is revised every two years.
“The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard is one of the most important occupational safety standards because it ensures chemical safety in the workplace,” says Joan Brown, an Industrial Hygienist at Pinnacol. “The standard provides employees with the right to know and understand the hazards associated with the chemicals they use, and how to work with them safely.”
Learning about and staying up to date on the latest standard will help employers when developing a HazCom program or updating an existing one.
“A HazCom program describes how your organization will meet the provisions for labeling, safety data sheets and employee training. The program should also include a list of all hazardous chemicals in the workplace, how the employer will inform employees of the hazards of non-routine tasks and the hazards associated with chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their work areas,” says Brown. “The program must also be available, upon request, to employees.”
According to OSHA, employers can implement an effective HazCom program by following these six steps:
Reposted from Mutual Art
After a painting believed to be a rediscovered Michelangelo was stolen from a Belgian church just days before it was due to be authenticated, we take a look at some of the most significant artworks whose whereabouts are still a mystery.
A painting believed to be a newly discovered Michelangelo was last week stolen from the church of St Ludgerus in Zele, Belgium. The 16th century depiction of the holy family was just days away from undergoing authentication to decide whether or not it was the work of the Renaissance master.
The church pastor called in experts after he noticed similarities between the painting’s composition and some extant sketches. There was much excitement at the possibility that this was Michelangelo’s lost Madonna del Silenzio.
But the painting now has the dubious honor of being numbered among the world’s lost or stolen masterpieces. It’s an illustrious list full of big names and hundreds-of-millions of dollars in estimated value. Here are a few choice examples of paintings which have gone AWOL, and the stories behind their disappearance.
Despite being the largest and heaviest of Kahlo’s paintings (it’s painted on wood panel rather than canvas), La Mesa Herida (The Wounded Table) was stolen after a blockbuster exhibition of work by Mexican artists in Warsaw in 1955, and hasn’t been seen since.
The piece went missing somewhere between Poland and Moscow as the popular exhibition made its way towards Russia as part of its global tour. Diego Rivera, the mural painter and Kahlo’s former husband, had specially requested that this painting be included to represent Kahlo’s work in the year of her death (1954).
In May of 2018, new archival evidence prompted investigator Raúl Cano Monroy to renew efforts to find the painting, now valued at around $20 million. He estimates he will find it in around five years, but for now it remains lost.
One of the most significant works stolen in the infamous Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist was this extraordinary Rembrandt depicting Christ calming a storm over the sea of Galilee. It’s the only seascape that the Dutch master ever painted.
On the 18th of May 1990, in the early morning, two men disguised as police officers responding to a call were admitted to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston. They tied up the guards who had allowed them to enter, and set about stealing around $500 million worth of paintings and artefacts. It’s not just the biggest art heist in history, it’s the single biggest theft of private property ever. Even the efforts of the FBI have not led to a single arrest in the 28 years since.
For an artist like Vermeer, whose enormous reputation relies on a curiously small number of extant paintings (only 34 are known, including The Concert), a missing work is a big deal. This painting was another which was stolen by the Isabella Stewart Gardner thieves.
As in the case of The Storm Over Galilee, an empty frame has been left in place of The Concert on the museum's walls, a poignant reminder of its absence.
As the fireworks over Oxford began on the evening of December 31st 1999, heralding in the new Millennium, a lone thief climbed up construction-scaffolding surrounding one of the University’s libraries. They proceeded to hop across to the rooftop of the Ashmolean, the world’s oldest museum, break through a skylight, and abseil into the building.
They set off a smoke-bomb, obscuring the CCTV cameras and initiating a callout to the fire-department, meaning security guards had to wait for the emergency response. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the thief had swiped Cézanne’s View of Auvers-sur-Oise, climbed back up through the skylight, and disappeared over the rooftops and down into the crowds of New Year’s revelers.
To this day, the whereabouts of the painting (valued at $10 million), and the identity of the thief, remain a mystery.
This complex, tenebrous still-life was painted by Van Gogh only three years before his death by suicide. As such, it’s an incredibly valuable piece of art history, as well as being eye-wateringly expensive. The most recent estimate sets its worth at around $50 million.
It was first stolen from the Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum in Cairo in 1977, and was recovered by authorities a decade later, during its centenary year. It was taken from the same museum again in 2010, and has never been recovered.
Officials detained two suspects at Cairo International Airport a few hours after the painting went missing for the second time, but these arrests turned out to be red herrings and the real thief or thieves vanished with the piece.
In 2010, the biggest heist since the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum theft took place at the Musée de l’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Among the $100 million worth of art stolen was this painting, The Pigeon With Green Beans, by Picasso.
According to the thief himself, the painting ended up in a trash bin when he panicked after a police phone-call. Apparently, the container was emptied by waste collection services before the painting was discovered. There’s some doubt around this account, so although it’s considered lost or destroyed the true fate of this piece remains obscure.
by Gary S. Miville CIPM II, CIPI, CPO RIBI Security - Regional Vice President As we work in our different areas throughout the United States there is a constant need for security professionals to network. We have organizations like ASIS International and the IFCPP which help us meet peer to peer, but ultimately we need to enhance our ability strengthen our network to include the Federal government organizations. One organization that I have found especially helpful and insightful is InfraGard. InfraGard is an alliance for national infrastructure protection. This organization was formed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation around 2003 as a non-profit. InfraGard’s liaison and outreach efforts have developed close working partnerships, not only between the private sector and the FBI, but with other pivotal agencies, to include the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Small Business Administration (SBA). InfraGard partnership is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement/public safety agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S. The InfraGard National Members Alliance is comprised of 84 chapters representing over 50,000 vetted members, to include critical sector subject matter experts on protecting the 16 Critical Sectors. InfraGard provides its members with unmatched opportunities to promote the physical and cyber security of their organizations, through access to a trusted, national network of Subject Matter Experts from the public and private sectors, and government stakeholders, at the local, state, and federal levels. InfraGard engages subject matter experts and address threat issues across each of the 16 sectors of critical infrastructures and key resources recognized by Presidential Policy Directive-21, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. To become a member of InfraGard there are a list of requirements.
by Gary S. Miville CIPM II, CIPI, CPO
RIBI Security - Regional Vice President
As we work in our different areas throughout the United States there is a constant need for security professionals to network. We have organizations like ASIS International and the IFCPP which help us meet peer to peer, but ultimately we need to enhance our ability strengthen our network to include the Federal government organizations. One organization that I have found especially helpful and insightful is InfraGard. InfraGard is an alliance for national infrastructure protection. This organization was formed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation around 2003 as a non-profit. InfraGard’s liaison and outreach efforts have developed close working partnerships, not only between the private sector and the FBI, but with other pivotal agencies, to include the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Small Business Administration (SBA).
InfraGard partnership is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement/public safety agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S. The InfraGard National Members Alliance is comprised of 84 chapters representing over 50,000 vetted members, to include critical sector subject matter experts on protecting the 16 Critical Sectors.
InfraGard provides its members with unmatched opportunities to promote the physical and cyber security of their organizations, through access to a trusted, national network of Subject Matter Experts from the public and private sectors, and government stakeholders, at the local, state, and federal levels. InfraGard engages subject matter experts and address threat issues across each of the 16 sectors of critical infrastructures and key resources recognized by Presidential Policy Directive-21, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
To become a member of InfraGard there are a list of requirements.
If you are interested on becoming an InfraGuard member or you would just like to attend a meeting with a member. Go to for more information.
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