CIPS Certification |
Certification Options for the Certified Institutional Protection Specialist (CIPS)
The International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection offers quality basic training and certification for officers and other front-line staff. Our Certified Institutional Protection Specialist (CIPS) certification program is now available in live, DVD, and online formats. IFCPP's requirements for CIPS basic certification include active membership, institutional protection experience, evidence of a clear criminal history, final approval by the IFCPP Certification Team, and completion of live or correspondence coursework and examination. CIPS Coursework: | VIEW OUR CERTIFICATIONS |
Live Course WorkCIPS Live Full-Day Coursework Includes:
| DVDs Box Set or A La Carte The CIPS certification program is available in video DVD format. The DVD box set is our most cost-effective option for CIPS correspondence certification of 6 or more participants. Note: A $200 discount is offered to Institutional & Associate Members! |
Online Courses and Quizzes -
IFCPP Membership is required for CIPS Certification. Click here to join. |